Edward Murrow
10 Nov 2021
Anonymous Author_Official Joins - APH
Boutique publisher, The Anonymous Publishing House, announced today the signing of their first Author.
After a long career writing fiction and screen plays, the unknown writer had been forced to self publish their latest manuscript due to fears about its content by his long time publisher.
“They were too scared of the effect that cancel culture could have on the company to risk some of the Hitler content. so I decided to go it alone.” Anonymous Author_Official
As an unknown author the sales and marketing was tough and thankfully through a chance meeting with The Anonymous Publishing House’s chief editor, the Anonymous Author_Official, as he likes to be called, was created.
His debut novel, The Nibiru Chronicles - Part One - NIBIRU Rising, will now go into production and the team at APH are keen to test the market.
Little is known about the first addition to this new and exciting publisher, but what we do know is this first novel packs a punch, and after already being banned in Germany, it is certainly going to get the tounges wagging.